6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Intimidated to Take Yoga


People who do yoga are nice

The nature of doing a lot of yoga brings people a sense of calm (Mayo Clinic). If someone spends an hour doing yoga, they’re blissed out and chill. So when you stroll into your first yoga class, the people at the front desk will greet you with a smile and welcome you in. There are exceptions to every rule, but yogis tend to be pretty cool folks. They meditate and drink smoothies. Who can be mad after meditation and smoothies? It’s hard to be grumpy after doing yoga, so people at a yoga studio are usually pretty affable. 

Nobody expects anything of you

Teachers, yogis, and studio owners understand that we all begin as beginners. Nobody expects you to mozy into your first yoga class and be able to put your feet behind your head. One of the great joys of life is learning something new that brings you closer to your ideal self. Nobody starts any path as a pro. The people at your local yoga studio know this. Nobody expects to be able to dunk when they step on a basketball court for the first time, so don't have the same expectations of yoga.

People are focused on themselves generally

You’re hesitant to go to yoga because you’re too focused on what people might think of you. It’s worth noting that you’re not special in this regard. That’s what other people are doing, too. David Foster Wallace (Read his books. He’s awesome) said that you’ll worry less about what people think of you when you realize how seldom they do. We’re all in our own heads too much. Yoga helps you declutter your self-talk, but ultimately, nobody’s watching you do your asana practice and thinking, “I can’t believe she just did that.”

Teachers are helpful

Anyone who has gone through the efforts to become a certified yoga instructor will have the tools and skills necessary to make you feel comfortable in class. Like public school teachers, yoga teachers aren’t out there making a killing doing what they do. They are in the game because they see the benefits of yoga and want to share them with their community. So when you show up to a class and you’re brand new, they’ll take notice and try to help you. The help could be modifying the poses, or they will introduce themselves to you. Yoga teachers are cool people. They are your ally on this path. Seek them out. Ask for help. Let them know your concerns. They will offer you the grace needed to get over your nerves. 

You deserve to take care of yourself.

Jordan Peterson says that you ought to care for yourself as if you're someone you're responsible for taking care of. You encourage your kids to eat healthy and stay active. You deserve to treat yourself with the same level of a care. Yoga balances your body and mind. It’s the ultimate version of self-care. In an hour long yoga class, you can be challenged, soothed, and rejuvenated. Do yourself a favor and take care of yourself.  

It’s not all super hot, flexible people. It’s soccer moms and dads with bad hips. 

One of the biggest fears I’ve heard from my students is that they don’t want to show up to a class full of gymnasts, body builders, and Instagram models. That is not an accurate description of any class I’ve ever seen. Who goes to yoga? Moms with three kids who want to find a way to destress from their day. Athletes who are trying to prevent injuries. Dads with bad hips. Friends who want to share something together that makes them better people. Grandparents working to stay in a community that supports their healthy aging. Yoga is for everybody. You’re not out of place.The only way to believe that is to go to a class and see for yourself.